In May 2012, Martin "Grapefrukt" Jonasson (Rymdkapsel, Hole Down) and Petri Purho (Noita, Crayon Physics) delivered "Juice it or lose it", a now legendary talk to a cheering audience at the Nordic Game Jam festival. Using Breakout as an example, they demonstrated live how a game comes to life when we add "juicy effects" to a functional prototype.

A year later, Jan Willem Nijman of Vlambeer (Nuclear Throne, Luftrausers, Ridiculous Fishing), embarked on the topic demonstrating "The art of screenshake".

Game designer Steve Swink (Scale, Inputting) has described a variety of factors that live in the input-perception loop between the player and the game as "Game Feel".

Juicy Break is my version exploring these topics in a practical way, recreating some of the effects. To toggle these effets, use the checkboxes on the right. The code is written from scratch in Dart, using the Flame Game engine.


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Very cool! 😀

Thank you!